by Robin Vincent | Approximate reading time: 2 Minutes
Nozoid Nozori

Nozoid Nozori  ·  Source: Nozoid


Nozoid (Cyrille Henry) has created Norozi which aims to tackle the cost and space used up by Eurorack modules by releasing a module that via a row of dip switches can become all manner of different modules. 



It’s sort of like the Expert Sleepers Disting but without the annoying interface. This one has a bunch of knobs and swapable face plates so you actually know what the heck is going on and what it is you’re controlling. The faceplates drop over the knobs and label everything up for you. It’s a simple and effective idea I think.

There are two versions, the Nozori 68 with 6 knobs and 8 patch points and the Nozori 84 with 8 knobs and 4 patch points. Each one currently has 20 modules embedded into its digital heart. I’m not sure whether I prefer the extra knobs or the extra sockets. What I do like is that they are symmetrical so you don’t need 20 faceplates, just 10 which are double sided – genius!

Nozoid Nozori

Nozoid Nozori · Source: Nozoid

The Nozori 68 module list includes an ADSR, Bitcrusher, CV recorder, Delay, EQ, Granulator, Karplus-Strong, LFO, Noise, Pitch Shift, Random Loop LFO, Sinusoidal Modulation, Stereo VCA, 2x VCF, a handful of VCOs and a Wave Shaper.

While the Nozori 84 has 8 bits, Additive Oscillator, a few ADSRs, FM, Harmonics, Chaotic LFO and Attractor, LFO and LFO sequencer, 4 and 8 step sequencer, AM, Wave Shaping and a dual morphing VCF.


I’m not entirely sure what all these are. There are some very specific modules like the Thomas Chaotic Attractor that I’ve never come across before. You’ve got to hope that these are fun things to use!

What is fun is that with two or three of these modules you explore all sorts of modular avenues and embark on an extraordinarily diverse journey. And unlike the Disting it would look like proper Eurorack rig. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Disting but a row of them together looks nothing like a synthesizer.

Nozoid Nozori

Nozoid Nozori · Source: Nozoid

Cyrille has been spectacularly unambitious with the Kickstarter campaign and only asked for £2662, which is about the price of 10 preorders. No surprise that he’s hit the goal after only a handful of days. Either Nozori will cost you €219 if you’re quick or €239 after the early birds have gone. €50 will get you the pack of faceplates – or you could just use a felt-tip. There’s also an expansion which brings the dip switches to the front of your rack for easy access.

It’s a really beautiful idea with some quirky module options and it’s going to be made as the goal has been reached. Don’t miss out, you’re bound to find at least one very useful.

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Nozoid Nozori

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