by Robin Vincent | Approximate reading time: 2 Minutes
Teenage Engineering oplab

Teenage Engineering oplab  ·  Source: Teenage Engineering


We saw the oplab at NAMM when Teenage Engineering was using the OP-Z to sequence and demonstrate their new 400 Pocket Operator Modular synthesizer. Now it’s available as an accessory for all OP-Z users.


oplab module

It’s square, it’s yellow and fits into the bottom of the OP-Z to provide some very handy connectivity. They are calling it “the magic link” and provides the sort of thing that really should be automatically built into sequencers in this day and age.

The oplab module shouldn’t be confused with the identically named and similarly featured oplab musical switchboard in case you think you’ve heard of it before. All you need to know is that the switchboard thing is discontinued and yellow oplab is just for the OP-Z.

Teenage Engineering oplab

Teenage Engineering oplab · Source: Teenage Engineering

So this yellow oplab module has 4 minijack outputs which can be used for CV and MIDI connections. It can be configured to have 3 CV outputs and one gate output to run with external analogue synthesizers, drum machines or modular gear. Or you can use an output as sync to a Pocket Operator or have it as trigger in and out. You can also use two of the ports as MIDI In and MIDI Out with the appropriate minijack-to-MIDI adapter cable of which you get one included in the box.

To install the oplab you have to take the back off the OP-Z with a lego shaft, but otherwise it’s really straight forward.

The oplab is undoubtedly a great thing that massively increases the versatility of the OP-Z. For £139 it seems a lot for something that feels like it should have been there from the start but the fact that it’s immediately out-of-stock on the day of release leads me to believe that it’s a popular upgrade for OP-Z users.

More information

  • Teenage Engineering oplab page.
  • oplab guide.
  • More from Teenage Engineering.
Teenage Engineering oplab

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