by Robin Vincent | Approximate reading time: 1 Minute
Mutable Stages?

Mutable Stages?  ·  Source: Marcus Fischer


From an innocently weird Instagram image to deep analysis on MuffWiggler, is “Stages” the next module to come from Mutable Instruments? Or will it be “Marbles”?



It’s an image that shows a montage of all sorts of gear overlayed upon one another. But hidden amongst a row of Mutable modules is something called “Stages” followed by “segment generator”. It appears to have 6 pots, with 6 LEDs, buttons and possibly some sliders. The bottom section is more difficult to make out.

Here’s an awesome mockup suggestion from MuffWiggler Bob Borries:

Stages mockup

Stages mockup · Source: Bob Borries

Suggestions revolve around some kind of envelope, LFO, complex function generator, possibly a 6 step sequencer.



But that’s not all. Buried alongside is another module where you can just make out labels such as Bias, Jitter and Spread. That’s sounding like a possible Clouds replacement. We also saw a glimpse of something with those sorts of words on back in October. It’s had the name “Marbles” attached to it. Here’s an image from a Reddit thread:

Mutable Marbles?

Mutable Marbles? · Source: Reddit

Update: This just appeared on Instagram which shows a knob manipulating a sequence. This looks like it could be the Marbles as above, but in any case, something is imminent.

Another post shows the firmware ready to go and uses the name Marbles – expecting an announcement anytime.

Otherwise, all of this is pure speculation. We know that Mutable Instruments have more releases to come this year and judging by the recently awesome Plaits they are going to be quite exciting.

More information

Mutable Stages?

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