by Jef | 4,2 / 5,0 | Approximate reading time: 2 Minutes
UwU virtual pet buffer - Tamagotchi for your pedalboard

UwU virtual pet buffer - Tamagotchi for your pedalboard  ·  Source: Ground Control


The UwU virtual pet buffer pedal from Ground Control was inspired by ’90s Tamagotchi and offers pixel art animations. It is also a rock-solid buffer pedal with 18v of headroom.


UwU virtual pet buffer

Ground Control’s UwU virtual pet buffer is available for preorder now with delivery expected in March 2024. This Tamagotchi-inspired buffer pedal may look like a toy from the 1990s, and sure it can play Neko Invader, Fishy Blox, and Longcat!

UwU virtual pet buffer 

Source: Ground Control


But it is also described as a rock-solid opamp-based buffer with 18V of headroom, and it features a high input impedance (1MΩ) and a low output impedance (25Ω). Perfect for long signal chains, or cables.

UwU virtual pet buffer 

Source: Ground Control

Virtual Pet

The UwU also contains a virtual pet that listens to your playing and reacts to it in real time, which may or may not be a good thing. I know a few people who could probably kill the virtual pet with their playing, so hopefully the little digital critter is resilient. Though, if you are good it will gain experience points and levels, unlocking more cutesy animations.

Combining a quality buffer and a virtual pet is possibly a little silly, but why not if you can? And you thought the Walrus Audio Canvas Tuner was cute with its ability to import GIFs. It uses a monochrome OLED screen to display the creature and uses a button cell battery to keep it alive between plugging in and out.


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Power Requirements

It requires a center-negative 9VDC power supply. Ground Control also clearly states that the wrong power supply will kill the pedal (and your virtual pet).

UwU virtual pet buffer - Tamagotchi for your pedalboard

Source: Ground Control


Preorders are open now for the UwU virtual pet buffer, and expect delivery around March time this year. If anyone does buy one of these buffers, please let us know, as we are all intrigued by this one. As it looks pretty insane, we want to know how good that buffer is and what level you reach with your virtual pet.

MSRP – USD 139

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UwU virtual pet buffer - Tamagotchi for your pedalboard

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One response to “UwU virtual pet buffer – A Tamagotchi for your pedalboard?”

    die beastie boys says:

    I honestly don’t mind the gimmick. It takes an otherwise boring type of pedal and turns it into something…I’m not sure what that something is, but it’s definitely less boring.

    But the choice to name it uWu is unforgivable.

    They could have called it Buffer Cat, then released a Booster Cat, and that could be the start of a line of Pedal Pets.

    It would be hilarious if you got to Lv99 and it unlocked a secret multi-effects unit or something.

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