by Robin Vincent | 4,3 / 5,0 | Approximate reading time: 1 Minute
Intellijel Flurry and Amps

Intellijel Flurry and Amps  ·  Source: Modwiggler


After a brief leak Intellijel announces the uber-utility Eurorack module Flurry and a precision dual-channel VCA called Amps. (updated 29/3/23)



Flurry is a bank of useful Eurorack tools pulled into a single module. It has a clock and random pulse source with a modulatable rate, pink and white noise, sample & hold, slew, and an envelope follower. In addition to the regular noise generation, there’s a bank of 16 noise algorithms with two controllable parameters.

The types of noise include vinyl, droplets, wind, FM regeneration, shortwave, hiss, particles and many more. These will be a great resource for the Sample & Hold circuit to chew upon.


It’s a lot of functionality packed into a single module. It appears that you can Morph your way through the noise algorithms which is interesting. As you can control the Flurry Morph knob via CV it means that you can probably explore the different noise tones as part of a patch. It will be good to hear it in action.

Affiliate Links
Intellijel Designs Flurry
Intellijel Designs Flurry
Customer rating:


Amps is a precision linear 2-channel VCA. You have switch control over polarity, voltage range and phase. It looks like a solid and straightforward VCA solution for discerning racks.

Affiliate Links
Intellijel Designs Amps
Intellijel Designs Amps
Customer rating:

The Flurry is going for around £247 whereas Amps is £148 and are available for preorder.

Intellijel Flurry and Amps

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