by Robin Vincent | Approximate reading time: 4 Minutes
Oz Soft Genesis Pro

Oz Soft Genesis Pro  ·  Source: Oz Soft


Ummet Ozcan has revealed Genesis Pro, a new soft synth that combines many forms of synthesis into what he believes is the ultimate software synthesizer.


Genesis Pro

Ummet says he’s used every software synthesizer and always found them missing something. To develop his own synth he wanted it to have a unique character all of its own while having an engine that can create any sound you could possibly want. He explains it as being like a digital version of his musical brain and while that may seem complex he also wants it to be straightforward to use.

So Genesis Pro is designed to be complex and yet straightforward, easy and yet very, very deep. It will be interesting to see if he pulls that off.

Oz Soft Genesis Pro

Oz Soft Genesis Pro · Source: Oz Soft

The GUI layout is relatively straight forward with all the usual controls you’d expect to find in a synth. Behind each knob are a number of unique settings that come up in the large display in the middle. So for less experienced users they can get on with fiddling with knobs whereas for those who like things deep you can get really into the details of every parameter. It’s not afraid to have layers of complexity and in fact invites you into explore as deep as you like.

Oscillate in layers

It has 3 main oscillators each with its own character. You can choose from subtractive, FM, Phase Distortion, Multiwave and ROM (samples) giving it a very wide palette of sounds. You can use them independently or together, split or layered and morph between the oscillators and synthesis types. Each oscillator is tied to different parts of the rest of the synthesis so as the oscillator changes so does the filter and envelopes. You have the whole synthesis engines adapted to each oscillator.

The filters are designed to be analog in nature with 8 different types and lots of saturation. And then at the end there’s an effects section. And it’s interesting to note that Ummet believes the effects shouldn’t make the sound, they should finish it – the sound should stand on its own. But there’s a whole bunch of interesting effects in here including more filters and all with interesting visual representations on the display.

Modulate everything with anything

For modulation any knob can be controlled by other things. There are 2 LFOs with a wide range of waveform choices and the halos around each knob animate beautifully to show what’s being modulated. You’ll also find 4 ADSR envelopes,  a step modulator and 2 source-to-destination modulators in a matrix that can connect anything to anything else.


Master and Alpha

It doesn’t quite end there because he’s built in a Master section where you can add further saturation, filtering, stereo widening and so on. Part of the Master section is the Alpha Knob which is essentially a macro where you can link as many other parameters to it as you wish and totally transform you sound with a single control.

Genesis Pro has other bits and bobs like internal sequencing, arpeggiator and an intelligent chord mode.

X-Gen Tone Generator

For sound design and creating your own patches Ummet has designed an algorithm to help push you forward so you don’t have to rely on tweaking presets. X-Gen Tone Generator automatically adjusts the oscillator settings to generate new tones at the click of a button. You decide whether you want to go soft, hard or plucked. Then you can add templates for modulation and effects to build your own sounds quickly and intuitively.

Dynamic Link

Not content with internal modulation Genesis Pro also accepts modulation from other places. It comes with a “Dynamic Link” plugin that route in signals from outside to be used as triggers or modulators. It’s not audio-rate modulation but more of an envelope follower or side-chaining feature.

Oz Soft Genesis Pro with Dynamic Link

Oz Soft Genesis Pro with Dynamic Link · Source: Oz Soft

Ultimate softsynth?

I really like the thought that’s gone into Genesis Pro. Like he’s added some Hotkeys where you can assign common tasks to keyboard shortcuts – I’ve never seen that in any other software synth. Ummet is hitting upon lots of the struggle you can encounter when using software synthesizers and designing solutions into his synth. I like the layers of depth, how you can instant satisfaction or spend a day drilling down to deeper nuances. And I like how he wants you to create your own sounds and gives you the tools to do it. I wasn’t sure I was in love with the colour scheme but he’s thought of that as well and you can completely customise and reskin Genesis Pro to your liking. Has he thought of everything? Well, it also gathers data and analyses it to tell you what kind of user you are.

This thing is phenomenal.

So what’s the price? €1. That’s right, just a single Euro. Ummet says that during his career he was too busy doing shows and working on Genesis Pro to really give back to the creative communities in terms of advice or tutorials. And so he sees Genesis Pro as his contribution to the music industry. What a top bloke!

It’s not yet available at the time of writing – should be along soon.

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Oz Soft Genesis Pro

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13 responses to “Ummet Ozcan’s Genesis Pro: a phenomenal new virtual hybrid synthesizer for €1”

    carl finlow says:

    No link to actually buy this thing on their website.

    Very curious to test out and see if it’s truly unique in sound and workflow. There seem to be a lot of cool features though.

    WOK says:

    Made with Synthedit!

    Luis says:

    Take my money! (not much though) : )

    Vin says:

    Would have been nice if the oz site had a way to subscribe to get updates on release dates.

    Uncle Frank says:

    Looks superb and a lot of work has gone into it. That synthedit image of all the wires etc looks mind-blowing!! I look forward to using it !

    VEKdigital says:

    This synth has been “coming soon” since 2012 (check the video publish date – or earlier. Has all the earmarks of vaporware. But I guess we’ll see.

    Impatient says:

    This must be a EA/blizzard/bioware company… nothing but hype, never happens.

    Axl says:

    only 32-bit…? Really? in 2020?….ha,ha,ha must be a joke, this synth will be quickly forgotten and stuck in the amateur platform drawer, no serious professional today would work with a platform that lacks 64-bit, a good synth for 2010 …

      toshsanto says:

      Ah ah ah ..che ignoranza ! come se non funzionasse bene e come se qualcuno lo sente suonare e dice:che brutto sto suono/ a 32 bit!! si vede che non hai capacita’ discriminatoria sui suoni privi di corpo e su quelli che di corpo ne hanno eccome come Genesis pro non hai nient altro da fare se non criticare avresti potuto attaccarti al fatto che se un bel synth cosi va a ” cani e porci”le produzioni di gente che suona per hobby suonerebbero tutte con gli stessi suoni e sai che palle! E’ accaduto così anche con le librerie del vst Massive che usato alla Skrillex ha appiattito le sonorita’ contemporanee anche se agli inizi (1998/99) erano suoni originali e fuori dalla mischia.Comunque il correttore automatico (ed è un problema del sito) mi cambia le parole e le mette come vuole lui sbagliando la grammatica!!!! aooohhh!!!! svegliatevi!!

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