by Robin Vincent | 5,0 / 5,0 | Approximate reading time: 2 Minutes
Behringer UB-Xa

Behringer UB-Xa  ·  Source: Behringer

Behringer UB-Xa

Behringer UB-Xa  ·  Source: Behringer

Behringer UB-Xa

Behringer UB-Xa  ·  Source: Behringer

Behringer UB-Xa

Behringer UB-Xa  ·  Source: Behringer

Behringer UB-Xa

Behringer UB-Xa  ·  Source: Behringer

Behringer UB-Xa

Behringer UB-Xa  ·  Source: Behringer

Behringer UB-Xa

Behringer UB-Xa  ·  Source: Behringer

Behringer UB-Xa

Behringer UB-Xa  ·  Source: Behringer

Behringer UB-Xa

Behringer UB-Xa  ·  Source: Behringer


Uli Behringer has been feeding the internet with day-by-day images of their Oberheim OB-Xa synthesizer clone under construction. Today he published a collection of photos of the finally finished UB-Xa – and it looks great!

Behringer UB-Xa

Behringer UB-Xa · Source: Behringer

Berhinger UB-Xa

This, of all the synths Behringer has been building, appears to be close to the heart of Uli Behringer. He’s posted more updates about the development than any other product. Although the exact details are still under wraps. Last year he said:


When I announced the project some time ago, I mentioned that it would take at least a year as it is a “labor of love” and our Midas engineer would do this as a side project since their main priorities are with digital mixing consoles. Because of their high workload, the development of the UB-Xa had unfortunately stalled for quite some time. Good news is that the team is working on it again and we have just finished all schematics and the mechanical design, while the team is now focusing on the board layout and firmware. This is a major job and don’t expect anything soon, however we are confident that we will deliver this project as promised and hopefully at a price which will make everyone happy. In order to maintain the integrity of the original sound design, we’ve been using 3340 and 3320 VCO’s and VCF’s but replaced the outdated digital section with very powerful Arm Processors.

Behringer UB-Xa

Behringer UB-Xa · Source: Behringer

He now says that with the hardware build complete it will be shipped off the the Midas engineers in the UK to work on the firmware.

Behringer UB-Xa

Behringer UB-Xa · Source: Behringer

We’re all looking forward to see how this potentially masive sounding polysynth is going to pan out. This is a much closer clone of a polysynth than the Deepmind was of the Juno and the Oberheim OB-Xa has long been a desirable synthesizer. Looking forward to hearing it in action.

More information

  • Uli Behringer facebook post.
Behringer UB-Xa

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8 responses to “Behringer UB-Xa – first photos of their completed Oberheim clone”

    james says:

    No effects?

    Red Electro says:

    I think this is the best news I’ve heard in a long, long time. If it’s under £1k – I’ll have one without a second thought!

    app says:

    wann kommt der OBXA Clone endlich?

    Name* says:

    How Much $USD?

    Name* says:

    Keyboard, Keyboard, Keyboard. With quality keys. Cuz some of us still play the damn things. Hurry up

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