by Robin Vincent | Approximate reading time: 2 Minutes
Otto's DIY Cookbook

Otto's DIY Cookbook  路  Source: Intech


I reported on Otto’s DIY prototyping environment back in February. It’s sort of like a breadboard in the shape of a Eurorack module which makes it much easier to build prototype modules. Well, they are now releasing a “Cookbook” featuring recipes of modules to build on your Otto’s DIY board.


Otto’s DIY Cookbook

It’s not really a Cookbook. You’re not going to find this in Waterstones alongside the grin of Jamie or sultry eyes of Nigella. It will be a series of pdf files that you can download from Intech’s Github page. They’ve just released Chapter 1 and it’s a recipe for building a simple VCO. And it’s nothing like I thought it would be. I imagined a few pages of step-by-step instructions of where to put components. But this first chapter is 26 pages packed full of detailed information on everything from tools and workflow, through understanding Op-Amps, examining circuits and into the nature of oscillators.

It’s less of a Cookbook and more of a college course. This makes it both a bit scary and completely awesome. But I guess if you were looking into prototyping your own Eurorack modules then you are already on a big journey of learning and so this sort of level of information is absolutely essential.

Otto's DIY Cookbook Simple VCO

Otto’s DIY Cookbook Simple VCO 路 Source: Intech

Once you get through all the understanding, circuits and concepts the actual build on an Otto’s DIY module is pretty straightforward. It aptly demonstrates why this method of prototyping is so useful and should help them sell more kits. You can buy the entire BOM for $45 which includes the 3 8HP Protoboards and powerbrick.

Otto's DIY Cookbook Simple VCO kit

Otto’s DIY Cookbook Simple VCO kit 路 Source: Intech

It’s a great way to help people understand what is a quite unique prototyping environment. Fantastic for those DIYers who are looking to go beyond kits and into understanding the circuits and the way they’re put together.

Otto’s DIY Cookbook Chapter 1 is completely free and a useful read for anyone interested in synthesis electronics. They say they hope to build this up into a collection of projects covering all sorts of builds. I hope they do too.

More information

  • Cookbook page.
  • Download the Cookbook here.
  • Get the kit here.


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Otto's DIY Cookbook

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