Moog One Discontinued?
Is the Moog One discontinued? Rumors abound that the godlike Moog poly has reached the end of its life cycle. What does it mean for Moog if it’s true?
Moog One Discontinued?
Rumors started circulating over the weekend that the Moog One had been discontinued. This after Antwerp, Belgium-based store Turnlab posted about it on its Instagram page.
“Moog One is now Discontinued (EOL)!!” it said. “Still want one of these beauties? We still have a very limited stock! Order/Contact us now!”
That EOL, of course, means End Of Life. It’s a business term indicating that a product has reached the end of its product cycle and is no longer financially viable.
If true, this would mean the 16-voice model will stop being made. It follows the eight-voice version, which has already ended production.
Moog One Discontinued: Is it True?
Moog Music has yet to confirm or deny the rumor. The One product page is still active on the Moog site. Retailers, including Thomann, continue to sell it.
Moog One Discontinued: What Is the Reaction?
Reactions to the rumor run the gamut from the usual “oh no” type responses to more opinionated takes.
“Shame what’s happening at Moog,” said a respondent on Instagram. “These and a few others will be the last of their kind.”

This same opinion was echoed over at Reddit, where a user wrote, “Is this a casualty of inMusic looking after the bottom line, or are the mixed reviews for the price and poor sales (causing) Moog to shelve the One? Perhaps both?”
“I think it’s a casualty of what is happening to the Moog brand in general,” said another person.
“Or it’s been out for 6 years which is (the) usual timeframe before discontinuing,” offered another.
Moog One Still Available – For Now
The 16-voice Moog One continues to be available. Maybe buy one now if you’ve been on the fence about it. Or hang out and wait for the upcoming (but as of yet unannounced) new poly, the Muse.

More Information
- Moog home page
- All about Moog
- All about synthesizers
4 responses to “Moog One Discontinued?”
Top of the range Moog synth, but very expensive by modern standards. Though ‘modern standards’ are quite cheap historically speaking, £9500 is still a lot of money to find for a synth. However, if the Moog One is now discontinued, it’ll no doubt rocket in second hand prices. Much as we want to see synths as good as the Moog One, the firm has to be realistic in what people can afford. Personally, I wouldn’t pay more than £1000 for a synth, as I need to pay the electricity bill as well. There are fewer and fewer people who are ‘comfortable’ or ‘well off’, so you have to bear that in mind when making synths. Moog’s always going to be a premium synth maker, and its Grandmother type synths are where it’ll make most headway, a distinct design and sound, in a world where cheaper synths have more features, the distinct synth like the Grandmother or the Malevolent can still sell well in spite of it.
Overpriced, overweight dinosaur.
Moog is dead and not just Bob.
Wouldn’t be surprised. There’s a limited number of suckers in this world that would part with nearly 10k for an admittedly pretty good, but not 10k good, synth.
I don’t understand peoples negative attitude to the Moog One. I sure every synth fan has dreamt of the ultimate synth. And now here it is, real and alive but somehow it doesn’t measure up. Why, did they expect the ultimate synth to be $2000 or $3000. If so, they should keep dreaming. Compare the best synths of the past and how much they cost in their day and you will find that they were just as expensive or even more so comparatively. If you can afford a One, thats great, and if you can’t, stop bagging it for being too expensive or bad sounding for what its worth etc. See if you can find a Ferrari for $30,000. Moog must of worked their asses off to bring out this dream synth and we should be thanking them for trying and in my opinion succeeding.